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  • Binder, M., Zinger, E.Hadany, L., Ohad, N.2024. Transgenerational effects of stress on reproduction strategy in the mixed mating plant Lamium amplexicaule. BMC Plant Biology, 24, 794 (2024) : [HTML]

  • Bendett, Y., Hadany, L., 2024. Little Peacemakers: microbes can promote non-violent conflict resolution by their hosts. Authorea. October 15, 2024. DOI: 10.22541/au.172897075.54005615/v1: [HTML]



  • Khait, I., Lewin-Epstein, O., Sharon, R., Saban, K., Goldstein, R., Anikster, Y., Zeron, Y., Agassy, C., Shaked, N., Sharabi, G., Perelman, R., Boonman, A., Sade, N., Yovel, Y.Hadany, L., 2023. Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative. Cell, vol 186, issue7, P1328-1336.E10, MARCH 30, 2023: [HTML]

  • Lewin-Epstein, O., Jaques, Y., Feldman, MW., Kaufer, D., Hadany, L., 2023. Evolutionary modeling suggests that addictions may be driven by competition-induced microbiome dysbiosis. Communications Biology vol 6, 782 (2023) : [HTML]



  • Gurevich, Y., Ram, Y., Hadany, L., 2021. Modeling the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 under non-pharmaceutical interventions and testing. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2022: [HTML]

  • Toker, I. A., Lev, I., Mor, Y., Gurevich, Y., Fisher, D., Houri Zeevi, L., Antonova, O., Doron, H., Anava,S., Gingold,H. , Hadany, L., Shaham ,S., Rechavi, O., 2022. Transgenerational inheritance of sexual attractiveness via small RNAs enhances evolvability in C. elegans. Developmental Cell, (Vol. 57, Issue 3, February 2022): [HTML]

  • Lavy, O., Lewin-Epstein, O., Bendett, Y., Gophna, U., Gefen, E., Hadany, L., Ayali, A.,2022.  Microbiome-related aspects of locust density-dependent phase transition. Environmental Microbiology: [HTML]

  • Rog, I. , Lewin-Epstein, O., Livne-Luzon, S., Hadany, L., Klein, T., 2022. Prosperity of the commons: Generalist mycorrhizal species dominate a mixed forest and may promote forest diversity by mediating resource sharing among trees. bioRxiv 2022: [HTML]


  • Gurevich Y., Hadany L., 2021. Floral complexity can help maintain plant diversity by inducing pollinator specialization. The Journal of ecology, (109:2897–2908): [HTML

  • Cohen, O., Ram, Y., Hadany, L. et al. Annual climatic fluctuations and short-term genetic variation in the eastern spadefoot toad. Sci Rep 11, 13514 (2021): [HTML]

  • Cohen, O., Ram, Y., Hadany, Y., Gafny, S., Geffen, E., 2021. Annual climatic fluctuations and short-term genetic variation in the eastern spadefoot toad. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-10, 2021: [HTML]


  • Lewin-Epstein, O., Baruch, S., Hadany, L., Stein, G., & Obolski, U, 2020. Predicting antibiotic resistance in hospitalized patients by applying machine learning to electronic medical records. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciaa1576: [HTML], [PDF]

  • Gurevich, Y., Lewin-Epstein, O., & Hadany, L., 2020. The evolution of paternal care: a role for microbes?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375(1808): [HTML]

  • Lewin-Epstein, O. and Hadany, L., 2020. Host–microbiome coevolution can promote cooperation in a rock–paper–scissors dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287(1920): [HTML]

  • Toker, I. A., Lev, I., Mor, Y., Gurevich, Y., Fisher, D., Houri Zeevi, L., Antonova, O., Hadany, L., Shaham ,S., Rechavi, O., 2020. Heritable Sexual Attraction under Parental Control. bioRxiv 2020: [HTML], [PDF]

  • Veits, M., Khait, I., Boonman, A., Sharabi, G., Sapir, Y., Yovel, Y., Hadany, L., 2020. Increased sugar concentration in response to a wide range of pollinator sounds can be adaptive for the plant: answer to Raguso et al. Ecology Letters 23 (10), 1553-1554, 2020. [HTML]

  • Goldshtein, A., Veits, M., Khait, I., Saban, K., Sapir, Y., Yovel, Y., Hadany, L., 2020. Plants’ ability to sense and respond to airborne sound is likely to be adaptive: reply to comment by Pyke et al. Ecology letters 23 (9), 1423-1425, 2020.  [HTML]



  • Khait, I., Obolski, U., Yovel, Y. and Hadany, L., 2019, April. Sound perception in plants. In Seminars in cell & developmental biology. Academic Press. [HTML]

  • Veits, M., Khait, I., Obolski, U., Zinger, E., Boonman, A., Goldshtein, A., Saban, K., Ben-Dor, U., Estlein, P., Kabat, A. and Peretz, D., Ratzerdorsfer, I., Krylov, S., Chamovitz, D., Sapir, Y., Yovel, Y., Hadany, L. 2019. Flowers respond to pollinator sound within minutes by increasing nectar sugar concentration. Ecology Letters . [HTML]

  • Ram, Y., Dellus-Gur, E., Bibi, M., Karkare, K., Obolski, U., Feldman, M.W., Cooper, T.F., Berman, J. and Hadany, L., 2019. Predicting microbial growth in a mixed culture from growth curve data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p.201902217. [HTML]

  • Ram, Y. and Hadany, L., 2019. Evolution of Stress-Induced Mutagenesis in the Presence of Horizontal Gene Transfer. The American Naturalist, 194(1), pp.73-89. [HTML]

  • Robin, T., Hadany, L. and Urbakh, M., 2019. Random search with resetting as a strategy for optimal pollination. Physical Review E, 99(5), p.052119. [HTML]

  • Zinger, E., Gueijman, A., Obolski, U., Ram, Y., Ruby, E., Binder, M., Yechieli, N., Ohad, N. and Hadany, L., 2019. Less fit Lamium amplexicaule plants produce more dispersible seeds. Scientific reports, 9. [HTML]

  • John P.Pribis, Libertad García-Villada, Yin Zhai, Ohad Lewin-Epstein, Anthony Z. Wang, Jing jing Liu, Jun Xia, Qian Mei, Devon M.Fitzgerald, Julia Bos, Robert H.Austin, Christophe Herman, David Bates, Lilach Hadany, P. J. Hastings, Susan M.Rosenberg. "Gamblers: an antibiotic-induced evolvable cell subpopulation differentiated by reactive-oxygen-induced general stress response." Molecular cell (2019). [HTML]

  • Ram, Y., Obolski, U., Feldman, MW., Berman, J., Hadany, L., 2019. Reply to Balsa-Canto et al.: Growth models are applicable to growth data, not to stationary-phase data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (2), 814-815, 2019. [HTML]


  • Khait, I., Sharon, R., Perelman, R., Boonman, A., Yovel, Y. and Hadany, L., 2018. The sounds of plants–Plants emit remotely-detectable ultrasounds that can reveal plant stress. bioRxiv, p.507590. [HTML]

  • Altenberg, L., Creanza, N., Fogarty, L., Hadany, L., Kolodny, O., Laland, K.N., Lehmann, L., Otto, S.P., Rosenberg, N.A., Van Cleve, J. and Wakeley, J., 2018. Some topics in theoretical population genetics: Editorial commentaries on a selection of Marc Feldman’s TPB papers. Theoretical Population Biology. [HTML]

  • Harari, Y., Ram, Y., Rappoport, N., Hadany, L. and Kupiec, M., 2018. Spontaneous changes in ploidy are common in yeast. Current Biology, 28(6), pp.825-835. [HTML]

  • Lebel, M., Obolski, U., Hadany, L. and Sapir, Y., 2018. Pollinator‐mediated selection on floral size and tube color in Linum pubescens: Can differential behavior and preference in different times of the day maintain dimorphism?. Ecology and evolution, 8(2), pp.1096-1106.  [HTML]


  • Dellus-Gur, E., Ram, Y. and Hadany, L., 2017. Errors in mutagenesis and the benefit of cell-to-cell signalling in the evolution of stress-induced mutagenesis. Open Science, 4(11), p.170529. [HTML]

  • Obolski, U., Ram, Y. and Hadany, L., 2017. Key Issues Review: Evolution on rugged adaptive landscapes. bioRxiv, p.112177. [HTML]

  • Obolski, U., Lewin-Epstein, O., Even-Tov, E., Ram, Y., & Hadany, L., 2017. With a little help from my friends: cooperation can accelerate the rate of adaptive valley crossing. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17(1), 143. [HTML]

  • Lewin-Epstein, O., Aharonov, R. and Hadany, L., 2017. Microbes can help explain the evolution of host altruism. Nature Communications, 8, p.14040. [HTML]


  • Ram, Y. and Hadany, L., 2016. Condition-dependent sex: who does it, when and why?. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 371(1706), p.20150539. [HTML]

  • Obolski, U., Dellus-Gur, E., Stein, G.Y. and Hadany, L., 2016. Antibiotic cross-resistance in the lab and resistance co-occurrence in the clinic: Discrepancies and implications in E. coli. Infection, Genetics and Evolution,40, pp.155-161. [HTML]

  • Abelson, A., Obolski, U., Regoniel, P. and Hadany, L., 2016. Restocking Herbivorous Fish Populations As a Social-Ecological Restoration Tool in Coral Reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3, p.138. [HTML]


  • Kleiman, M. and Hadany, L., 2015. The evolution of obligate sex: the roles of sexual selection and recombination. Ecology and evolution, 5(13), pp.2572-2583. [HTML]

  • Obolski, U., Stein, G.Y. and Hadany, L., 2015. Antibiotic Restriction Might Facilitate the Emergence of Multi-drug Resistance. PLoS Comput Biol, 11(6), p.e1004340. [HTML]

  • Ram, Y. and Hadany, L. 2015. The probability of improvement in Fisher’s geometric model: A probabilistic approach. Theoretical population biology, 99, pp.1-6. [HTML]

  • Ram, Y., Dellus-Gur, E., Obolski, U., Bibi, M., Berman, J. and Hadany, L., 2015. Predicting competition results from growth curves. bioRxiv, p.022640. [HTML]

  • Fishman, M.A. and Hadany, L., 2015. Floral advertisement and the competition for pollination services. Biosystems, 132, pp.35-42. [HTML]

2014 and earlier

  • Hazak, O., Obolski, U., Prat, T., Friml, J., Hadany, L. and Yalovsky, S., 2014. Bimodal regulation of ICR1 levels generates self-organizing auxin distribution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(50), pp.E5471-E5479. [HTML]

  • Ram, Y. and Hadany, L. 2014. Stress-induced mutagenesis and complex adaptation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 281(1792), p.20141025. [HTML]

  • Obolski U., Alon D., Hadany L., Stein G. 2014. Resistance profiles of coagulase-negative staphylococci contaminating blood cultures predict pathogen resistance and patient mortality. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, p.dku156. [HTML]

  • Khait R., Obolski U., Hadany L., Genin A. 2013.  Food selectivity and diet switch can explain the slow feeding of herbivorous coral-reef fishes during the morning. PloS one, 8(12), p.e82391. [HTML] 

  • Gueijman, A., Ayali, A., Ram, Y., and Hadany, L. 2013. Dispersing away from bad genotypes: the evolution of Fitness-Associated Dispersal (FAD) in homogeneous environments. BMC evolutionary biology, 13(1), p.1. [HTML]

  • Fishman, M.A., and Hadany, L. 2013. Pollinators' mating rendezvous and the evolution of floral advertisement. Journal of theoretical biology, 316, pp.99-106. [HTML]

  • Obolski, U. and Hadany, L. 2012. Implications of stress-induced genetic variation for minimizing multidrug resistance in bacteria. BMC medicine, 10(1), p.89. [HTML]

  • Ram, Y. and Hadany, L. 2012. The evolution of stress-Induced hypermutation in asexual populations. Evolution, 66(7), pp.2315-2328. [HTML]

  • Berman, J., and Hadany, L. 2012. Does stress induce (para) sex? Implications for Candida albicans evolution. Trends in Genetics, 28(5), pp.197-203. [HTML]

  • Barzel, A., Obolski, U., Gogarten, P., Kupiec, M. and Hadany, L. 2011. Home and away-the evolutionary dynamics of homing endonucleases. BMC evolutionary biology, 11(1), p.1. [HTML]

  • Leontiev, V. and Hadany, L., 2010. Regulated superinfection may help HIV adaptation on rugged landscape. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10(4), pp.505-510. [HTML]

  • Fishman, M.A. and Hadany, L. 2010. Plant–pollinator population dynamics. Theoretical population biology, 78(4), pp.270-277. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. and Otto, S.P. 2009. Condition‐dependent sex and the rate of adaptation. the american naturalist, 174(S1), pp.S71-S78. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L., 2009. On the role of stress in evolution. Stress-From Molecules to Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses, pp.1-17. [HTML]

  • Gonzalez, C., Hadany, L., Ponder, R.G., Price, M., Hastings, P.J., Rosenberg , S.M. 2008. Mutability and importance of a hypermutable cell subpopulation that produces stress-induced mutants in Escherichia coli. PLoS Genet, 4(10), p.e1000208. [HTML]

  • Leontiev, L., Maury, W., and Hadany, L. 2008. Drug induced superinfection in HIV and the evolution of drug resistance. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 8(1), pp.40-50. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. and Comeron, J.M., 2008. Why are sex and recombination so common?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1133(1), pp.26-43. [HTML] 

  • Kark, S., Hadany, L., Safriel, U.N., Noy-Meir, I., Eldredge, N., Tabarroni, C. and Randi, E., 2008. How does genetic diversity change towards the range periphery?. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10(3), pp.391-414. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. and Beker, T. 2007. Sexual selection and the evolution of obligatory sex. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7(1), p.1. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. and Otto, S.P. 2007. The evolution of condition-dependent sex in the face of high costs. Genetics, 176(3), pp.1713-1727. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. , Beker, T., Eshel, I. , and Feldman, M. W. 2006. Why is stress so deadly? An evolutionary perspective. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 273(1588), pp.881-885. [HTML]

  • Agrawal, A.F., Hadany, L. and Otto, S.P., 2005. The evolution of plastic recombination. Genetics, 171(2), pp.803-812. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. and Feldman, M.W. 2005.  Evolutionary traction: the cost of adaptation and the evolution of sex. Journal of evolutionary biology, 18(2), pp.309-314. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L., Eshel, I., and Motro, U. 2004. No place like home: competition, dispersal and complex adaptation. Journal of evolutionary biology, 17(6), pp.1328-1336. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. and Beker, T. 2003.  On the evolutionary advantage of fitness-associated recombination. Genetics, 165(4), pp.2167-2179. [HTML] 

  • Hadany, L. 2003. Adaptive peak shifts in a heterogenous environment. Theoretical population biology, 63(1), pp.41-51. [HTML]

  • Hadany, L. and Beker, T. 2003. Fitness‐associated recombination on rugged adaptive landscapes. Journal of evolutionary biology, 16(5), pp.862-870. [HTML] 

  • Beker, T. and Hadany, L. 2002, December. Noise and Elitism in Evolutionary Computation. In HIS (pp. 193-203).  

  • Hadany, L. 2001. A conflict between two evolutionary levels in trees. Journal of theoretical biology, 208(4), pp.507-521. [HTML]


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